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Welcome to our FS1 Page

Welcome to FS1 (Nursery)

We look forward to welcoming your child and ensuring that they have a happy and enjoyable start to their Foundation Stage. Your child will have lots of fun, make friends and learn to do many new things. Our aim is to provide a secure foundation for all children to ensure they achieve their true potential as they progress through school. We ensure that your child’s experience of school is broad, balanced and enriching whilst following their individual needs and interests.

We strive to provide a highly stimulating environment with child accessible resources that promote learning, independence and challenge. An environment which is rich in learning opportunities through play and imaginative teaching, ensuring challenging, playful activities across the prime and specific areas of learning and development.

Your child will have a day packed full of fun activities and play both indoors and outdoors. Play will involve:

  • Children initiating their own play and activities
  • Adults initiating activities which are carried independently by the children
  • Adult led activities

We believe that every child is unique and we aim to support them to develop a positive sense of identity and culture. We work hard to build positive relationships that respond to your child’s needs, feelings and interests.

Working Together

In Foundation Stage, we believe in a strong partnership between the school, parents/carers and the wider community. We have effective relationships with private child-care settings, our school nursing team, speech & language therapists and many other external providers. We provide many opportunities for families to be involved in their child’s learning at home and at school and value their knowledge and understanding about their children and work together to make sure every child reaches their full learning potential. We will listen to parents/carers needs too and offer a variety of support sessions, for example, having a ‘cuppa’ and chat, workshops linked to areas of learning or ‘drop in sessions’ to discuss anything.

Term by Term

In the Autumn term we will learn all about ourselves, each other and our families. We will learn to share and turn take through a range of Circle Time activities and independent play. We will make friendship groups and discover the fun we can experience together in our settings. We will join in singing, dancing and ring games and use a variety of materials and colours to create masterpieces. ‘Every child is an artist’ (Pablo Picasso). The children’s growing love of music, songs and dance will be showcased at the end of FS1 in a Christmas performance. Learning to safely climb on our very own mountain and to successfully use our climbing wall is a must for our young explorers. These skills will enable them to explore and discover the natural world in our very own outdoor environment.

During the Spring term we will continue to develop our gross and fine motor skills enabling us to write and mark make. “Let’s get physical” with our exciting interventions such as squiggle while you wiggle and dough disco which are designed to develop and enhance our gross and fine motor development.  Our children will begin to solve mathematical problems through the use of board games. We will become scientists investigating and exploring water, sand and other materials in both our indoor and outdoor environment.

In the Summer term there will be opportunities to plant and grow seeds. We will spend lots of time in the outdoor environment working hard to make it a beautiful place to be. Our children will take part in the “Big Toddle” an annual event we hold to raise money for our chosen charities whilst having a fun time with our friends. At this time in the year, we plan for lots of transition activities and events to ensure that all of our children are prepared and ready for the next stage in their school life. Our aim is for every child to enjoy a happy and successful transition. Throughout the year our children are encouraged to ‘reach for the stars’ and in celebration of this they will help to choose an event at the end of term, to celebrate their time with us. This is a lovely way to recognise the children’s individual journeys and successes with their friends and teachers. As part of our ongoing provision we will send books home on a regular basis for you to share with your child. Sharing books, stories and rhymes is a great way of encouraging language development and also in promoting a love of books.

In conclusion  

During their time with us your children will blossom and grow into increasingly, independent, happy little learners ready for the transition to the next stage of their education.