Uniform and PE kit
All pupils at Normanby wear our School Uniform. We strongly encourage the wearing of our school uniform and school shoes or plain trainers, by all pupils throughout the year.
All children, from Foundation through to Year 6 are expected to comply with these rules.

Year 1 – Year 6 Uniform
- Navy Sweatshirts, Cardigans & Sweaters
- Black or grey trousers, joggers, skirts & pinafore dresses
- Blue check Summer dresses (may be worn by girls in summer although parents should remember these may not be suitable for all activities)
- Blue or Black school fleeces & cagoules are also available
Foundation Stage Uniform
- Light blue polo shirts & t-shirts
- Black or grey trousers, joggers, leggings, culottes or shorts
- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan
- Trainers (preferably velcro fastener)
Uniform Documents
Uniform Information
All uniform may be ordered through the school office. In order to keep costs as low as we can we have two ‘official’ suppliers. You are welcome to select unbadged clothing, albeit in the School Colours, if you so wish from alternative sources.
We have a limited supply of used uniform items, all of which are in good condition to support children and families in need. All enquiries need to be submitted to the School Office where they will be passed to a designated staff member, all enquiries are confidential.
Sportswear, including football shirts, denims, jeans and fashion clothing and footwear are not allowed.
Your child must have a PE kit of navy or black shorts, plain T shirt (not a football shirt) and plimsolls. This PE kit must be worn on your child’s year group designated day only, this will be usually the same day every week but will communication on our Feelgood Friday Newsletter. An outdoor kit is also required during colder months.
Children having swimming lessons will need a swimming costume (not bikini) or swimming trunks (not shorts) and a towel.
The wearing of all cosmetic jewellery is strongly discouraged, although older children may wear a watch. Only stud earrings should be worn for safety reasons. Arrangements should be made to remove earrings for PE lessons, tape may be provided by parents to cover these if removal is impossible.
Mobile devices are not to be carried by pupils and similarly other communication devices (such as smart watches with WiFi or cellular connectivity) should not be worn.
Long hair should be tied back, and the School discourages some specific hairstyles, for example shaved lines or coloured hair.
For safety reasons, acrylic or fake nails should not be worn. These can cause serious injuries if they are ripped off and may also hinder a pupil’s ability to participate fully in lessons.
All of the above rules allow our children to demonstrate their respect for our School, help eliminate problems caused by bullying around fashion/ money and taste. They help our children view their School as a community of equals.