Religious Education – Year 6
Download our Year 6 Religious Education syllabus here.
Knowledge and Understanding
Learning about religion (AT1)
- I can describe the key aspects of religions, especially the people, stories and traditions that influence the beliefs and values of others.
- I can investigate the significance of religion in the local, national and global communities.
- I can describe the variety of practices and ways of life in religions and understand how these stem from, and are closely connected with, beliefs and teachings.
- I can describe and begin to understand religious or other responses to
ultimate and ethical questions.
Learning from religion (AT2)
- I can reflect on what it means to belong to a faith community.
- I can reflect on sources of inspiration in my own and others’ lives.
- I can reflect on ideas of right and wrong and my own and others’ responses to them.
Learning about religion (AT1)
- I can use specialist vocabulary in communicating my knowledge and understanding.
- I can use and interpret information about religions from a range of sources.
Learning about religion (AT1)
- I can, in talk, begin to describe the similarities and differences between religions.
Learning from religion (AT2)
- I can reflect on what it means to belong to a faith community, communicating my own and others’ responses.
- I can discuss my own and others’ views of religious truth and belief, expressing my own ideas.
- I can recognise and explain, how commitment to a religion is shown in a variety of ways.
Problem Solving
I can ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling, relevant questions. |
ICT Links
- I can use iPads to research religions
- I can use iPads to take virtual tours of places of worship
- I can use iPads to photograph or video visits/visitors
- Church visit in local community
Autumn Focus
Spring Focus
Summer Focus
Why is Muhammad important to Muslims?
What is the Qur’an and why is it important to Muslims?
What do the gospels tell us about the birth of Jesus? |
How do religions respond to prejudice and discrimination?
Why are Good Friday and Easter Day the most important days for Christians? |
How and why do some religious people inspire others?
What do religions say about the environment? |
Reviewed by: KP, AD, JB Summer 2012 Key questions to be added
Reviewed Summer 2012 by ND Subject Leader – key questions added
Reviewed Summer 2014 by ND SP Subject Leader