Religious Education – Year 3
Download our Year 3 Religious Education syllabus here.
Knowledge and Understanding
Learning about religion (AT1)
- I can identify and begin to describe the similarities and differences within and between religions
- I can consider the meaning of a range of forms of religious expression, understand why they are important in religion and note links between them
- I can use specialist vocabulary in communicating my knowledge and understanding
- I can use and interpret information about religions from a range of sources
Learning from religion (AT2)
- I can respond to the challenges of commitment both in my own life and within religious traditions
Learning about religion (AT1)
- I can use relevant vocabulary in communicating my knowledge and understanding.
- I can use and interpret information about religions from a range of sources.
Learning about religion (AT1)
- I can, in talk, begin to describe the similarities and differences between religions.
Learning from religion (AT2)
- I can reflect on what it means to belong to a faith community, communicating my own and others’ responses.
- I can discuss my own and others’ views of religious truth and belief, expressing my own ideas.
Problem Solving
Ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling, relevant questions. |
ICT Links
- I can use digital cameras to take photographs of religious buildings
- I can use iPads to take photographs
- Summer Term Salvation Army visit- focus on ‘What can we learn about symbols and beliefs from visiting religious buildings?’
- Attend Y4/5 Christmas/Easter performances in church
- Year 3 Christingle performance to parents and school
- Diversity Week/RRSA Day
Autumn Focus
Spring Focus
Summer Focus
How and why do Hindus worship at home and in the Mandir?
Why is Advent important to Christians? |
What do miracles tell us about who Jesus was?
What do Christians remember on Palm Sunday? |
How do Jesus’ parables help Christians live their lives?
What can we learn about symbols and beliefs from visiting religious buildings?
Church Visit |
Summer 2012 – ND Subject Leader – key questions added
Reviewed by S. Trenholm, S Gills and R Lawler
Reviewed Summer 2014 by ND, SP – update/reviewed trips/ICT links