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Religious Education – Year 3


Download our Year 3 Religious Education syllabus here.

Knowledge and Understanding



Learning about religion (AT1)

  • I can identify and begin to describe the similarities and differences within and between religions
  • I can consider the meaning of a range of forms of religious expression, understand why they are important in religion and note links between them
  • I can use specialist vocabulary in communicating my knowledge and understanding
  • I can use and interpret information about religions from a range of sources

Learning from religion (AT2)

  • I can respond to the challenges of commitment both in my own life and within religious traditions

Learning about religion (AT1)

  • I can use relevant vocabulary in communicating my knowledge and understanding.
  • I can use and interpret information about religions from a range of sources.

Learning about religion (AT1)

  • I can, in talk, begin to describe the similarities and differences between religions.

Learning from religion (AT2)

  • I can reflect on what it means to belong to a faith community, communicating my own and others’ responses.
  • I can discuss my own and others’ views of religious truth and belief, expressing my own ideas.



Problem Solving

Ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling, relevant questions.



ICT Links


  • I can use digital cameras to take photographs of religious buildings
  • I can use iPads to take photographs
  • Summer Term Salvation Army visit- focus on ‘What can we learn about symbols and beliefs from visiting religious buildings?’
  • Attend Y4/5 Christmas/Easter performances in church
  • Year 3 Christingle performance to parents and school
  • Diversity Week/RRSA Day



Autumn Focus

Spring Focus

Summer Focus

How and why do Hindus worship at home and in the Mandir?
Why is Advent important to Christians?
What do miracles tell us about who Jesus was?
What do Christians remember on Palm Sunday?
How do Jesus’ parables help Christians live their lives?
What can we learn about symbols and beliefs from visiting religious buildings?
Church Visit

Summer 2012 – ND Subject Leader – key questions added
Reviewed by S. Trenholm, S Gills and R Lawler
Reviewed Summer 2014 by ND, SP – update/reviewed trips/ICT links