What is the PTFA?
The PTFA (Parent, Teachers and Friends Association) is a registered charity and is made of a group of people including parents, teachers and friends of the school who help organise events to raise money.
The main aim of Normanby Primary’s PTFA is to raise funds that provide the school with money to pay for items which benefit the school and more importantly, the children. It is also a good way to meet new people who collectively want the school and its pupils to reach their full potential.
Who can join?
Every parent and employee of the school is automatically a member of the PTFA. All members are welcome to attend any of our general meetings. The PTFA consists of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer together with a number of other people (a mix of parents, staff and friends) who do not have designated roles, but who agree to be members of the group. All members are involved in decision making regarding events and distribution of any money raised.
Where are the meetings held?
The meetings are sometimes held in school (after school hours) and more often than not in our local pub! Meetings generally start around 6pm and last for approximately one hour.
Examples of events/fundraising activities the PTFA are involved with organising.
- Christmas/Spring & Fayre
- Halloween/Easter Disco
- Normanby’s Got Talent
- Sponsored walk
- Car boot sale
- Quiz night………
The proceeds of such events are used to pay for items such as; play equipment/activities for golden time (for each year group), the school greenhouse, plants for Hattie’s garden, book cases for the school library, leavers gifts (Y6), resource support for literacy and numeracy tasks and general school equipment.
New ideas are always welcome as are volunteers to help at all of the PTFA events.
How do I find out more/become a member?
The easiest way to contact us is to leave a message with the school Office and a PTFA member will contact you. Please don’t worry about waiting for the beginning of an academic year to start attending meetings – you will be made welcome any time!
Being a member of the PTFA will enhance yours and your family’s relationship with the school. It’s a chance for parents, staff and friends to form a friendly school community whilst providing support for our school and its pupils.