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P.E. – Year 5


Download our Year 5 P.E. curriculum here.


(Core task: Making the grade)

Developing skills
  • I can choose appropriate material to create new motifs in a dance style
  • I can perform specific skills and movement patterns and different dance styles with accuracy
Making and applying
  • I can compose, develop and adapt motifs to make dance phrases and use these in longer dances
Physical and metal
  • I can warm up and cool down independently
  • I can use exercises that stretch and tone my body
Evaluate and improve
  • I can use dance terminology to identify different styles of dance
  • I can talk about the relationship between the dance and its accompaniment
  • I can suggest ways to develop my technique and composition


(Core task: Acrobatic Gymnastics)

Developing skills
  • I can perform combinations of actions that show clear levels, speeds and directions
  • I can perform actions, shapes and balances clearly, consistently and fluently
Making and applying
  • I can repeat a longer sequence with extension, clear body shape and changes in direction
  • I can adapt sequences to include a partner or a small group
Physical and metal
  • I can take more responsibility for my own warm-up
  • I know how muscles work, how to stretch and how to do strengthening exercises
Evaluate and improve
  • I can watch and comment on the quality of movements, shapes and balances
  • I can identify which aspects were performed accurately, fluently and clearly
  • I can suggest improvements to speed, direction and level in composition

Invasion Games

(Core task: calling the shots)

Developing skills
  • I can perform skills with accuracy, confidence and control
  • I know the difference between attacking skills and defending skills
Making and applying
  • I can choose positions in my teams and know how to help attack
  • I can use a variety of tactics to keep the ball
  • I know and find ways to get the ball towards the opponents goal
  • I know how to mark and defend their goal
Physical and metal
  • I can suggest ideas for warming up, explaining my choice
  • I recognise activities that help strength, speed and stamina
Evaluate and improve
  • I can look for specific things in a game and explain if they are being done well


(Core task: On Target)

Developing skills
  • I can hit the ball with purpose, varying the speed, height and direction
  • I can explain what I am trying to do and why it is a good idea
  • I can spot the spaces in my opponent’s court and try to hit the ball towards them
  • I can position myself well on court
Making and applying
  • I can play shots on both sides of the body and above my head
  • I can direct the ball reasonably well towards their opponent’s court
  • I can show good backswing, follow through and feet positioning
Physical and metal
  • I can carry out warm-up activities carefully and thoroughly
  • I can give good explanations of how warm-up activities affect the body
  • I know why warming up is important to help me play better
  • I know the types of exercise I should concentrate on, eg speed and flexibility
Evaluate and improve
  • I know what I am successful at and what I need to practise more
  • I can try things out and ask for help to perform better
  • I can work well with others, adapting my play to suit my own and others’ strengths


(Core task: Jump Challenge)

Developing skills
  • I can perform a range of jumps showing power, control and consistency at both take-off and landing
Making and applying
  • I can organise myself in small groups safely, and take turns and different roles
  • I know and understand the basic principles of relay take-overs
  • I can take part well in a relay event
Physical and metal
  • I can perform a range of warm-up activities
  • I can say why some athletics activities can improve strength, power or stamina, and explain how these can help my performance in other types of activity
Evaluate and improve
  • I can watch a partner’s athletic performance and identify the main strengths
  • I can identify parts of the performance that need to be practised and refined, and suggest improvements

Main progression points:

  • Choose own material and perform specific skills and movement patterns accurately
  • Compose, develop and adapt motifs to make longer dances (6-8 movements)
  • Show clear levels, speeds and directions and perform actions consistently
  • Show extension, clear body shape and changes in direction in phrases with partner or small group (6-8 actions)
  • Know the difference between attacking and defending skills
  • Find ways to get ball to opponents goal and mark/defend their own
  • Hit the ball with purpose, varying the speed, height and direction
  • Direct the ball reasonably well towards their opponent’s court
  • Perform range of jumps showing power, control and consistency
  • Organise themselves in small groups safely, and take turns and different roles

Spring 2012 – CN
Summer Term 2012 reviewed – CA
Summer 2014 reviewed – TC

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