P.E. – Year 1
Download our Year 1 P.E. curriculum here.
(Core task: Moving Along) |
Developing skills |
- I can copy and explore basic body actions demonstrated by my teacher
- I can choose movements to make into my own dance phrases
Making and applying |
- I know where my heart is and why it beats faster
- I can link movement to moods, ideas and feelings
Physical and metal |
- I can practise and repeat my dance phrase with some control
- I can copy simple movement patterns from others
Evaluate and improve |
- I can use simple dance vocabulary to describe movement
- I can respond to different stimuli with a range of actions
(Core task: Making Shapes) |
Developing skills |
- I can perform simple gymnastics movements (jump, roll, travel, climb, still)
- I can use space safely, being aware of others and apparatus
Making and applying |
- I can make up and perform simple gymnastic movement phrases
- I can perform and link basic gymnastic actions
- I can perform movements with some control and accuracy
Physical and metal |
- I know the difference between tension and relaxation
- I can carry apparatus safely, with guidance
Evaluate and improve |
- I can watch and describe a basic gymnastic phrase using accurate language
(Core task: Ten Point Hoops) |
Developing skills |
- I can move fluently, changing direction and speed easily without collision
- I can roll, throw, strike and kick with some control
- I can get in line with the ball to receive
Making and applying |
- I know how to aim and hit into a space
- I can use and change skills to win games
- I can use space to my advantage
Physical and metal |
- I can describe what it feels like when breathing faster during exercise
- I can explain why running and playing games is good for me
Evaluate and improve |
- I can watch others’ movements carefully
- I can describe what I have done or seen others do
- I can copy what I see and say why it is good.
Main progression points:
- Copy and explore (Shown body actions to repeat and experiment with)
- Choose movements to make short phrase (2/3 movements)
- Practise simple movements (jump, roll, travel,climb
- Make up and perform simple movements phrases (2/3 actions)
- Basic actions – roll a ball, throw it underarm, kick it and strike it, just making connection
- Aim and hit into a good space (3-5m areas)
Spring 2012 – CN
Summer Term 2012 reviews – SP, NP, JS
Summer 2014 reviewed – TC