Mrs D’Inverno
I have been a governor since being appointed as a teacher at Normanby Primary School in 2008. At first, this role was a daunting responsibility and I had to learn a lot very quickly about how the school was managed and led and what my role was as a governor.
As governors oversee the strategic planning of the school, I have worked hard over the last ten years supporting governors in their role understanding school priorities and how they can support areas in need of development. As a teacher, I am very much involved in all aspects of the daily running of the school and governors often need a governor who they can learn from and ask questions of.
Over the last four years, I have also supported the Chair of Governors in their role, taking on the responsibility of chairing the School Effectiveness Committee and more recently supporting the Chair of Governors in her newly appointed role to develop her understanding of school performance and improvement cycles.
I am passionate about education and thoroughly enjoy my profession as a teacher and being a governor has allowed me to share this passion with the Governing Body and support their understanding of an ever changing educational landscape. The Governors of Normanby Primary are an extremely dedicated group of people and it is a pleasure to be working with them.