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Ethos and Vision

‘Every child and young person should leave our care able to live healthily, enjoying safe, happy and fulfilling lives, free from poverty and with a desire to continue learning, expand their horizons and realise their ambitions and aspirations.’

To support this our school motto is ‘Enjoy, Believe, Achieve’

We believe that children should enjoy learning, believe anything is possible and achieve the very best they can! We thrive to encourage children to enjoy their education, develop a love for learning, build confidence and always try their best. Together working in positive partnerships, we can support our children and young people to have the best possible start in life.

We look forward to welcoming your child and ensuring that they have a happy and enjoyable start to their Foundation Stage. Your child will have lots of fun, make friends and learn to do many new things.

In EYFS at Normanby Primary School, we follow the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ and have developed a motivating and engaging curriculum based on the statutory educational programmes and the non-statutory guidance from the Dfe document “Development Matters. As part of this broad, balanced, and enriching curriculum we aim to focus on developing cultural capital – providing essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success and giving them the best possible start to their education. At Normanby we pride ourselves on the ability to understand our children as individuals, responding to their individual needs, feelings, and interests through a flexible approach to the delivery of the curriculum.

Your child will be developing skills, acquiring knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through seven areas of learning and development.  All areas of learning and development are important and interconnected.  

Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.

These are the three prime areas:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The four specific areas through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Across FS1 (Nursery) and FS2 (Reception), we work in positive partnerships to deliver a spiral curriculum that enhances children’s learning and constantly develops the knowledge and skills that children have already learnt. Our aim is to provide safe, exciting and challenging learning opportunities to enable each child to become the best that they can be.

We understand the importance of building positive relationships that respond to the child’s needs, feelings and interests. We believe that if a child feels happy, safe and understood within our care, then they will flourish within our EYFS. All staff work together to get to know our children so that we can support their development and learning. We strongly believe in the importance of effective home-school partnerships. We strive to ensure that parents/carers are part of their child’s learning and development by providing support sessions for parents/carers, family-fun sessions, and home-school learning resources. Our online platform, Seesaw, is used to share learning experiences between home and school.

Privacy Policy

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This policy will be reviewed and updated versions will be posted on the website.

If you have any questions about the use of your personal information, the Information Commissioner is the independent regulator for both Data Protection and Freedom of Information.