Design and Technology – Year 3
Download our Year 3 Design and Technology curriculum here.
Developing, planning and communicating ideas |
Developing, planning and communicating ideas |
Evaluating processes and products |
I can show that my design meets a range of requirements.
I can put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools I need. I can describe my design using an accurately labelled sketch and words. I can make a realistic plan. |
I can use equipment and tools accurately. | I can explain what I changed which made my design even better. |
Breadth of study |
Cooking and nutrition |
Textiles |
Mechanisms & Structures |
I can choose the right ingredients for a product. I can use equipment safely. I can make my product look attractive. I can describe how my combined ingredients come together. I can set out to grow plants such as cress and herbs from seed with the intention of using them for my food product. |
I can select the most appropriate tools and techniques to use for a given task.
I can make a product which uses mechanical components. I can use a number of components. I can use the most appropriate materials. I can work accurately to make cuts and holes. I can join materials. I can select the most appropriate materials. I can use a range of techniques to shape and mould I can use finishing techniques. |
Possible topics: Summer picnic-sandwiches, make a dish of day related to history/geography topic |
Possible topics: | Possible topics: Homes Moving animals related to topic |