P.E. – Year 2
Download our Year 2 P.E. curriculum here.
(Core task: Cat Dance)
Developing skills |
- I can make short dance phrases that express moods and feelings
- I can repeat a short dance phrase, improving control
- I can perform short dance phrases using rhythm and movement
- I can use music to guide my dance phrase
Making and applying |
- I can talk about different stimuli for the start of dance phrases
- I can explore actions in response to a stimuli
- I can explore ideas, moods and feelings by improvising and experimenting with movement
Physical and metal |
- I know how my body feels after dance activities
- I know that I need to warm up and cool down for dance
Evaluate and improve |
- I can say what I like and dislike in dance, giving reasons
- I can show an understanding of mood and describe how dance makes me feel
(Core task: Families of Actions)
Developing skills |
- I can perform a range of actions with control and coordination
- I can repeat sequences of gymnastic actions
- I can move smoothly from a position of stillness to a traveling movement
- I can move smoothly from a position of stillness to another
Making and applying |
- I can create, repeat and perform a short gymnastic sequence
- I can include apparatus or a partner
- I can vary my sequence using floor, mats and apparatus
Physical and metal |
- I can explain how my body feels after gymnastics
- I recognise and avoid risks when handling and placing apparatus
Evaluate and improve |
- I can describe my own or my partners sequence accurately
- I can choose one aspect of my performance to improve and say how to improve it
(Core task: Piggy in the Middle)
Developing skills |
- I can perform a range of throwing, rolling, striking, kicking and gathering skills
- I show good awareness of others in running, catching and avoiding games
Making and applying |
- I can choose and use tactics to suit different situations
- I can react to situations in a way that helps my partner and makes it difficult for my opponents
- I know how to score and keep the rules of the game
Physical and metal |
- I understand and describe changes in my heart rate
- I can begin to anticipate what they will feel like after playing games
Evaluate and improve |
- I can watch and describe performances accurately
- I can recognise what is successful
- I can copy actions and ideas and use them to improve own performance